
How to Keep Your Hair in Good Condition

HAIR and skin are the mirrors of one's health. People with nice hair look energetic and healthy. Some people with white, thin or varicolored hair, or baldness are disconsolate. Whether the hair is healthy or withered is connected with general health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the hair has close relations with the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and brain. Dark, sleek, soft and fast-growing hair is evidences of energy, a body full of vital energy and blood, and a healthy brain. Sparse or white hair indicates disease and decrepitude. An old saying goes like this: "A person gets old first in the hair."
Hair is not only an indicator of health, its elasticity and toughness also protects the head and brain, and it has the func¬tion of metabolism. This is why people want beautiful hair. The following instructions can achieve results:
1. Comb and massage the hair regularly. Ancient special¬ists in health held that hair should be combed frequently. This should not be merely regarded as beautifying yourself; it is im¬portant to prevent aging and disease. A Chinese book on the causes of various diseases says, "Hair will not turn white if it is combed regularly." Another on longevity says, " Frequent combing improves the eyesight and relieves colds. The hair should be combed 120 times. " It is best to comb it three times a day, morning, noon and before going to bed. Comb backward from the forehead, forward from the back of the head, and then comb it from left to right and right to left, 45 times. Fin¬gers can play the same role. Massage your head softly with your fingers, first from forehead to the top of the head, then downward to the back, from the temples to the top of the head 10 times. After massage the scalp will feel hot and tight.
Medical research has pointed out that regular combing or massage has the following five effects: (1) it smoothes arteries and veins; (2) improves the circulation of the blood in the head; (3) nourishes the hair and prevents loss; (4) improves the eyesight, improves health and helps prevent cerebral hem¬orrhage; and (5) invigorates the function of the brain, refreshes the body and relieves fatigue.
2. Wash the hair frequently. Cao Cishan, health specialist in the Qing Dynasty, wrote in a medical book, "Hair should be combed but not washed regularly. One will get a cold if it is washed in a wind." The ancients believed that the elderly and weak should wash their hair less often than people in good health. It is hygienically necessary to wash the hair. Since the sebaceous glands secrete a large quantity of esters, which not only keeps the hair supple but is bacterostatic, excessive wash¬ing or washing with ordinary soap will remove this protector of the hair and shorten its life. Serious overwashing may lead to ringworm. Generally speaking, dry hair should be washed once every 10 to 15 days. If it is not so dry, once a week is good. Greasy hair should be washed every five days. The water should not be too hot but about 37°C . Hot water is harmful because it tends to turn the hair dry and fragile. But if the water is too cold, it doesn't wash clean. Different shampoos should be used for dif¬ferent types of hair. Neutral or dry hair should use toilet soap or neutral shampoo, greasy hair should use ordinary soap or laundry soap, or a shampoo containing more alkaline. Babies' hair should be washed with a special baby soap because their skin is very delicate.
Having your hair done can keep your hair in style, but al¬most every solution used contains sodium bicarbonate and ammonia which will damage your hair to some degree. Moreover, permed hair will turn yellow, fragile and lose its gloss. So hair should not be done with chemicals more than once in 5 months, even longer if the hair is normally dry. Children and those who are weak, allergic to chemicals, pregnant or lying in should not have their hair done with chemicals,
3. Be pleasant. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the mental factor has much to do with changes in the condition of the hair. The hair will turn white or fall if one is narrow-minded, burdened with anxiety or mentally too tired. An old Chinese saying goes like this: "Laugh once and be ten years younger, but worry will turn your hair white." It is said that in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-467 B. C.) Wu Zixu fled from the State of Chu to the State of Wu. As he traveled, he came to Zhaoguan Pass where he knew he might be arrested. He was so nervous that his hair and beard turned white overnight. He escaped the following day because this had changed him beyond recognition. The story exaggerates but tells us that hair condition has a close relation with spirit. Therefore, people should try to refrain from being upset, train a strong will, stay broad-minded, optimistic and calm in order to meet the complications of life. This can not only keep your hair in good condition but is conducive to good physical and mental health.
4. Take care of your hair. Those who work in strong sunshine or dusty places should wear caps. But caps should not be so tight that they affect sweat drainage. On rainy days the hair should be protected. The hair should not become muggy, so caps should not be worn a long time. If your work requires a cap, safety helmets with ventilation help ensure healthy hair growth.
5. Pay attention to diet. A variety of diets that keep a balance between acid and base helps prevent baldness and white hair. Eat foods containing proper protein, iodine, calcium and vitamins B, A and E such as in milk, fish, eggs, coarse grain, green vegetables, fruit, especially melons. Those with gray, dry and thin hair should take Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment. Those whose hair has fallen or turned white early for their age because of physical weakness should eat wal¬nuts and take Shouwu Yanshoii Dan and the tonic Qi Bao Met Xu Dan to build up the kidneys.
Very important for beautiful, health hair: Give up smoking, drinking and over-eating. Do physical training regularly, strike a proper balance between work and rest, use your brain rationally and live a regular life with good habits and customs.

