
Top 8 Kunming the Beauty of Spring All Year

Kunming is not only the capital of Yunnan Province but also the political, economic, communications and cultural center of Yunnan province in southwestern China. Because of its year-round temperate climate, Kunming is often called the ''Spring City'' or ''City of Eternal Spring''. Its present name ''Kunming'' was the sound of the title of an ethnic group residing in southwest China in ancient times.

Own to the special geographic location, Kunming enjoy the temperate plateau monsoon climate, average highs are 15 ℃in winter and 24 ℃ in summer. With its perpetual spring-like weather which provides the ideal climate for plants and flowers, Kunming is renowned for its beauty in Spring all year. The city is covered with blossoms and lush vegetation all the year round.


Top 7 Xi'an the Beauty of Ancient Capital


Xi'an, historically known as Chang'an, is the capital of the Shananxi province. As one of the oldest cities in Chinese history, Xi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of many important dynasties, including the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties.

Today a series scenic spots as Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses, the ancient City Wall, Drum Tower, Bell Tower are the result of ancient times and represented the long history of Xi’an. China is a magic country with more than 5000 years history and Xi’an is the city with more than thousands history. At there, you will find most of the historical trace and surprised for ancients' wisdom.


Top 6 Chongqing the Beauty of the City of Mountains

Upon you hear to the name of Chongqing, the first impression should be the spicy but delicious hot pot. It has to say that the local cuisine is too famous to forget it’s a unique mountain city. Chongqing was surrounded by the hills and located on a basin. Due to the special natural landscape, Chongqing has the many fog days and was called “fog city”. Meanwhile, there are Yangtze river, Jialing river, Wu river Pei river main four rivers pass through this city, Chongqing form the advantaged nature and resources conditions.

For more information about Chongqing, please log on http://www.topchinatrip.com/. :-)

Top 5 Hangzhou the Beauty of Lake and Mountain Scenery


There is one word said “heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below”. Hangzhou is well known for its natural scenery and wonderful environment. West Lake is famous for thousand years and also the representative of Hangzhou. Its beauty is not just in beautiful waters but also for its surrounding hills with irregular shaped peaks and dense forests that provide gorgeous fall foliage. In Hangzhou, you can enjoy the natural scenery, drink the fragrance Longjing tea, feast on the Hangzhou cuisine and sightseeing the local beautiful girl. 


Top 4 Shanghai the Beauty of Oriental Modern City

Shanghai, the largest city in China, is renowned as the oriental pearl. Almost in all the times Shanghai is the center of economic, culture, transportation, trade and foreign exchange. No matter in the peaceful or war period, Shanghai always takes the indispensable position and do the leader among all the cities. Come to and experience modern Shanghai is the dream of most Chinese, not just for foreigners.

Shanghai is the combination of history and modern, under the hundreds years development, it still keep its charming as an ageless beauty women. Old natives are proud of their Shanghainese dialect and willing to live in the Lontang, listen the old song to experience the former times belong to them. While the youth natives and immigrants are proud of working in such a modern and developed city and willing to live in the expensive resident community, driving the famous-brand car to enjoy their labor results. The trace of history only is the history and now the fashion and development are the highlights in this city. Take a goods to describe today’s Shanghai. The cheongsam is originated from the Shanghai and it will attract numerous people like a beauty women in cheongsam.

If you are looking for more information about China cities, we suggest the comprehensive guide at http://www.topchinatrip.com/.


Top 3 Shenzhen the Beauty of Youthful City

Shenzhen was appointed as the first special economic zone at the 26th August, 1980. During the 29 years development, Shenzhen has become an international metropolis in the world from a little fishing village. It creates a magic in the city's development. In the Blue Book of The Competitiveness of Chinese Cities in 2009, Shenzhen rank secondary in the integrated competitiveness.

Most of persons live in the Shenzhen are the immigrants from other place and most of them are youth to build this youthful city. The average age is much less than other cities. At there, everyone is youthful and full of energy, passion and innovation, everything from the skyscraper to viaduct, from the business center to shopping mall, from the communal facilities to residence community are the new and be updated unceasingly. A little fishing village without any valuable evolves into an attractive city. Shenzhen is truly the up-rising star where inhabit the most diligent and lovely persons.

Top 2 Hong Kong, the Beauty of Energetic Metro Town

Once you heart the word Hong Kong, the first impression will be fast-tempo, prosperous economy and finance, shopping paradise and eastern entertainment kingdom. It's seemed that all these sides belong to the young persons and you have to get the conclusion that Hong Kong is the world of youth.

In fact, Hong Kong is a city with long history, however, the hardworking and youthful mind of Hong Kong person’s make this city are full of the energy at any time. They pursue the high-level living standard, so they need to pay attention and try best on their career. On the street of Hong Kong, you can see everyone is in the fast step and they get the result of No.1 financial center in Asia and the leader in GDP and living standards.

After working, they are pursue the complete relax and entertainment, that is the wise point of local person. Try best to working on duty and try best to enjoying off duty. The retail, tourism and entertainment industries are developed in Hong Kong, at this city you can buy the goods from the world, visit the famous natural and culture scenery and experience the various entertainment facilities.

For more information about Hong Kong please log in http://www.topchinatrip.com/.


Top Ten—— Most Beautiful Cities of China

Occasionally, I find an article to discuss and elect the top ten most beautiful cities in China. I think it's quite funny and useful for many persons who want to travel and know Chinese cities. By now, I will do a description to these cities at the free time of every day.

Top 1 Beijing, the beauty of combine the ancient and modern

Beijing, the capital of China, should be the most well-known city no matter in the eyes of Chinese or world's. It was also been the capital in Ming and Qing dynasties. A series of heritage and ancient magnificent architectures are the best evidences for its long history. The Great Wall, Forbidden City, Ming Tomb, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace etc are the representatives among the countless historical sites. As well as the cuisine, local life style, culture and other sides keep the trace of ancient times. In Beijing, you can find lots of stores which are operated more than hundred years and still keep flourish and be canonized by local residents. The sprit of the historical times permeated the city and everybody looks so peace and leisure to enjoy it.

On the other hand, the political, economy, industry and commercial business are developed, which is absolutely a modern city. The advantaged condition attracts numerous people from the domestic and aboard. Together with local persons, they endeavor to build the more magnificent Beijing and enjoy their labor result. The World Trade Business Center, CBD, Wangfujing, Xidan, Zhongguancun, Olympic Stadium & Park and Economic Development Zone are the outcome of modern industry. All the persons are full of energy and spend everyday happily.

The charming of the Beijing is point at its duality. :-)

Shanghai Cuisine

Shanghai does not have a definitive cuisine of its own, but modifies those of the surrounding provinces. What can be called Shanghai cuisine is epitomized by the use of alcohol. Fish, eel, crab, and chicken are "drunken" with spirits and are briskly cooked/steamed or served raw. Salted meats and preserved vegetables are also commonly used to adjuntify the dish.

The use of sugar is common in Shanghainese cuisine, especially when used in combination with soy sauce. Non-natives tend to have difficulty identifying this usage of sugar and are often surprised when told of the "secret ingredient". The most notable dish of this type of cooking is "sweet and sour spare ribs" ("tangcu xiaopai" in Shanghainese).

"Red cooking" is a popular style of stewing meats and vegetables associated with Shanghai.

Facing the East China Sea, seafood in Shanghai is very popular. However, due to its location among the rivers, lakes, and canals of the Yangtze Delta, locals favor freshwater produce just as much as saltwater products like crabs, oysters, and seaweed. The most notable local delicacy is Shanghai hairy crab.Shanghainese people are known to eat in delicate portions and hence the servings are usually quite small. For example, notable buns from Shanghai such as the xiaolong mantou and the shengjian mantou are usually about four centimetres in diameter, much smaller than the typical baozi or mantou elsewhere.

Due to the rapid growth of Shanghai and its development into one of the foremost East Asian cities as a center of both finance and contemporary culture, the future of Shanghai cuisine looks very promising.

Looking for more information about Shanghai, please log in http://www.topchinatrip.com/.

Shanghai City

Shanghai is the largest city in China, and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world, with over 20 million people.Located on China's central eastern coast at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city is administered as a municipality of the People's Republic of China with province-level status.

Originally a fishing and textiles town, Shanghai grew to importance in the 19th century due to its favorable port location and as one of the cities opened to foreign trade by the 1842 Treaty of Nanking. The city flourished as a center of commerce between east and west, and became a multinational hub of finance and business by the 1930s. However, Shanghai's prosperity was interrupted after the 1949 Communist takeover and the subsequent cessation of foreign investment. After 1990, the economic reforms introduced by Deng Xiaoping resulted in intense re-development and financing in Shanghai, and in 2005 Shanghai became the world's largest cargo port.

The city is a tourist destination renowned for its historical landmarks such as the Bund and City God Temple, its modern and ever-expanding Pudong skyline including the Oriental Pearl Tower, and its new reputation as a cosmopolitan center of culture and design.Today, Shanghai is the largest center of commerce and finance in mainland China, and has been described as the "showpiece" of the world's fastest-growing major economy.


Three Gorges

The Three Gorges region is a scenic area along the Yangtze River in the Hubei province of the People's Republic of China with a total length of approximately 200 km. The Three Gorges occupy approximately 120 km within this region. Although it is primarily famous for its scenery, the Three Gorges region is historically and culturally an important region in China. A representation of the westernmost gorge appears on China's currency in the back of the paper 5 yuan note.

The Three Gorges region is located along the Yangtze River between the cities of Fengjie and Yichang in Chongqing municipality and Hubei province.

The Three Gorges region attracted attention globally due to the construction of the Three Gorges Dam, which is changing the scenery of the region.

The Three Gorges Dam was constructed at a place called Sāndòupíng in the middle of the Xiling Gorge. The reservoir was completed in the summer of 2006, and the water level in the Qutang, Wuxia, and the western portion of the Xiling Gorges has already begun to rise. The dam itself is projected to be completed in 2009. In addition to the impacts of the dam on the ecology and people of the region, the dam will also change the scenery of the Three Gorges. Because the water level will be higher, the river will be wider and the mountains will appear lower.

Proponents of the dam point out that because the mountains reach several thousand feet above the river, the gorges are still likely to offer spectacular views of the surrounding cliffs, and it should be noted that most riverboat companies that operate in the Three Gorges intend to continue to offer tours of the region. The increase in width of the Gorges will also allow larger ships through the gorges, and it is anticipated that river traffic of all kinds will increase.
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Hubei Province

Hubei province, abbreviation “e” and Wuhan as provincial captial, is located in the central and south region of China, middle reach of Yangtze River. As located at the north of Dongting lake, it got the name of Hubei which means the north of lake.

Hubei has the abundant mineral, water energy and biology resources, belonging to the subtropics monsoon climate feature in cold and wet winter, hot summer, abundant sunshine & rainfall, rich heat quantity. Own to the advantaged climate, Hubei is the ideal place for agriculture and there is one world said “The rice of Hubei is ripe, all the persons are full”. Beside the above advantage conditions, Hubei is also the fairy land combined the natural landscape and culture heritage. Three gorges of Yangtze River is famous in the China and world, the Wudan mountain- the first mountain is the holy land of Taoist and Shengnongjia- green treasure is the important natural protection area.

The important is the local specialty and cuisine which is bowl over the numerous persons from the ancient times to now. Ascending Huanghe Tower and feasting the local delicious food will be a beautiful thing in your trip.


Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine)

Xiao Xiang flavor cuisine, represented in Hunan dishes and abbreviated Xiang cuisine, is one of the eight cuisines (Yangzhou, Jiangsu cuisine, Hunann, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Anhui and Shandong cuisine)in China.

Hunan cuisine is the local flavor dishes with long history, being good at sour incense and exotic animals. As early as the Han dynasty, it already has the high level in cooking and forming the cuisine. As located in the south region of china, Hunan is favorable natural conditions with warm climate and abundant rainfall. West of Hunan is rich in bamboo shoots, mushrooms and delicacies from land game; southeast of Hunan is basins and hill, with developed animal husbandry and fishery; north of Hunan is the famous basin of Dongting lake, also called “land of plenty”. Generally speaking, Hunan diet customs have the following characteristics:

1. In Hunan, eating has the rich social significance. In one hand, eating is an essential component in major event. In marriage, eating called “eat wedding feast”; in funeral, called “eat meat”; in birth celebration, called “eat full moon”; in birthday, it must eat poached and birthday noodles. In the other hand, eat is also the important means of social networking.

2. In Hunan, consider of the condition of geographical, climate and others, most of regions grow rice and rice is the main food. During all the year, the diet around the spring festival is given the much attention.

3. Regardless of gender and age, all the persons are addicted to spicy. No matter in the daily meals, or restaurant banquet or drinking among 3-4 friends, the chili dishes are the must. 4. Hunan people love to eat bitter food.

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Hunan Province

Hunan province, located in central and southern China, middle reaches of Yangtze river, is belong to central china in geographical and Changsha as provincial capital. The name of Hunan (south of lake) just because it located in the south of Dongting Lake and the abbreviation “Xiang” because Xiang river runs through the whole territory.

In Hunan, has 14 province-level administrative units including 13 prefecture-level cities and one autonomous prefecture. The climate feature of Hunan is distinct seasons, lowest average temperature in January with high-point of -8℃ and highest average temperature in July with high-point 40℃. The rainfall is concentrated in May to July.

In the land, resident Han, Tujia, Miao, Yao, Dong, Bai, Hui, Uygur and others total 41 nationalities. The population of minority ethnic accounts 10.21% of the total population in Hunan. Since the ancient times, Hunan is a land rich in resources, people diligent, intensive cultivation, and the history of cultivation of rice has more than ten thousand years. The developed for industrial and commercial places are mainly concentrated in northeastern Hunan, such as Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, Yueyang, Changde, Hengyang and so on. The well-known scenic spots have Yueli Ancient Private Colleage, Zhangjiajie, Shaoshan, Nanyue etc. In addition, the Xiang cuisine and entertainment sprit are also the highlights.


Xidi Village of Anhui

Xidi Village, located at the south foot of Yellow Mountain, was built in the Huangyou Period of the Northe Song Dynasty and was quite prosperous at the beginning of the Qing dynasty. The village has a history of nearly 1,000 years. During its heyday in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Xidi carried out an extensive urban development program, which included constructing houses and ancestral temples and improving the infrastructure. Today, more than 100 old folk houses in Xidi retain the same appearance and structure as when they were first built.

Xidi is an old village where most of the Hu families live. There is a green stone memorial archway that has three rooms, four pillars, and five floors. It was built in the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty. The structure is tall and straight, symbolic of the prestige of the Hu family. There are also nearly 300 buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties done in the Hui style, where bricks, wood, and stone carvings decorate every building.

Additional attractions include the Lingyun Pavilion, Cishi House, (an official title in ancient time of China) Ruiyu Pavilion, Taoli Garden, East Garden, West Garden, Daifu House, (an official title in ancient time of China) Jing'ai Hall, Lufu Hall, Qingyun House, and Yinfu Hall.

Plan your trip to Anhui, please log in http://www.topchinatrip.com/.

Anhui Province

Anhui, abbreviation Wan and the inland city, is belong to east china in geographic location, while belong to central district in economy arrangement. It spans the Yangtze and Huai river, the joint of south and north. Anhui is the transitional climate from warm temperate to subtropical zone, with the feature: distinguished seasonal wind, mild temperature and proper rainfall.

Anhui is rich in natural resources and high technology. It occupies series high qualified universities include: China Science and Technology University, Anhui University, Hefei university of Industry and Anhui University of Finance & Economics. Refer to the industry, Anhui has the famous enterprises include Chery, JAC, Meiling, Gujinggong and so on. On this magic land, also form the unique scenery, Mt. Huang scenic area, Mt. Jiuhua, Mt. Tianzhu, Xidi, Hongcun, Ming Tomb in Fengyang and Taichi cave. Any one of these will attract you and welcoming you to Anhui.

Beside these, the unmissed is the Huai cuisine, local snacks and well-known Huangmeixi. A little wealthy but full of humanistic care place, you can't miss it.


Three Treasures of Guilin

Three treasures of Guilin are refer to the local specialty: Guilin three flowers wine, Guilin chili sauce, Guilin fermented bean curd.

Guilin three flowers wine

Guilin three flowers wine has the long history and was called “lucky dew”. The wine has to process the steaming and boil for three times, so it once called three boiled wine. Because of the good quality, the surface of wine will form the three-floor spray upon you shaking the bottle. And sieve the wine into glass, also you will find the small spray on the surface. So the person called this wine three boiled flower wine, abbreviated three flower wine. The main features are elegant in fragrant, soft in taste, refreshing in close drinking and flavor in feeling.

The water from the bottom of Lijiang supply the qualified water for three flowers wine; secondly, the good rice cultivated in Lijiang supply the ideal raw material; moreover, the specialty distillers yeast made from herbs in suburban are the essential to wine. Base on these great raw materials, matched with precision brewing to ensure the quality of the wine.

After completed, the wine was pure into the ceramic cylinder and stored in rocky caves for 1-2 years. Last, bring out the wine and repackaged for selling.

Guilin chili sauce

Guilin chili sauce, garlic major ingredient, is garlic chili sauce, while it’s called lobster chili sauce upon adding the lobster sauce. Usually, people select the chopped quality red chili and garlic mix in lobster sauce, three flowers wine and salt, sealed into the altar for several months. Guilin chili sauce tasted spicy and delicious, not only be used for adorned with edible, but also used for seasoning. It is one of the specialties in Guilin, with more than 100 years history and best-selling in china and southeast Asian countries.

Guilin fermented bean curd

Guilin fermented bean curd is a representative of white fermented bean curd, and already famous in the Song Dynasty.Its production process is delicate. The block of the fermented bean curd is small, soft texture with smooth surface, represent orange- transparent. It’s quite helpful to enhance the appetite and digestion. The fermented bean curd is not only the food eaten by person often, but also the ideal seasoning. Its renowned overseas, especially in Hong Kong, Macao, Southeast Asia and Japan.

If you are willing to Guilin, please log in http://www.topchinatrip.com/.


Guilin City

Guilin is a world famous scenic, historical and cultural city, which is located in southwest of Nanling mountain, with an average elevation of 150 meters, a typical karst landform.

Guilin is belonging to subtropical monsoon climate, featuring in mild climate and abundant rainfall. Also it’s rich in animal and plant, mineral and water resources. The limestone landscape distributed in the city which form the unique scenery, reward the reputation as “Guilin scenery under heaven”. The most representative spots are: Elephant Trunk Hill, Fubo Hill, Nanxi Hill, Duxiu Peak, Seven Star Crags, Reed Flute Cave, Zengpiyan, Kwan’am, Ming Wang city, Ronghu, Cedar Lake and so on.

A large number of ethnic minorities inhabit at there and the particularly folk festivals are numerous. The strong customs already become a major tourism attraction. The traditional folk festival of all the ethnic groups, such as Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, will be liveliness and happiness.

Cuisine of Shangri-la

Diqing is the place mainly resident Tibetan and the local cuisine are in Tibetan flavor. Tibetan persons have the sincere emotion to their traditional food and table manner. The famous food include

1. Zhanba

Zhanba is the main food which shape like fried-noodle and can be divided into Barley, peas and oats. When eating it, put some Zhanba in the bowl and little butter, together with tea.

2. Butter tea

The local person put the butter tea on their stove so that drink the delicious and hot butter tea at any time. It's made by put the butter and salt into dense tea and stir and mixed in special cask. Boiled the tea and can drink now.

3. Dairy products

The main dairy products include cheese, cheese residue, butter and yogurt.

4. Pickled Chinese Cabbage

Guest in Tibetan family, they will invite you to taste the pickled cabbage soup. It can adjust taste and enhance appetite, certainly it tasted delicious.

5. Changzhou

Changzhou look some yellow and taste little sweet in sour, with the name of “Tibetan beer”. According to the local custom, the holder need to server 3 bowls wine to customer, for former 2 bowls customer can drink as their drinking capability, for last bowl it's must to drink to bottom for respect.
If you are interesting to Shangri-la, we suggest the comprehensive guide at www.topchinatrip.com to plan your trip. :-)




Shangri-la is located in northwest of Yunnan province, as the hinterland for “Shangri-la tour”. Along the Yunnan-Tibet highway 315km away from the Dali, you will arrive in the central town of Zhongqian couty in Diqing Tibet Autonomous Prefecture. Diqing means“places of everything goes well”. As location at the south-eastern edge of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, north of southern Hengduan mountains, and the hinterland of “Three Parallel Rivers”, forming the unique melting snow-capped mountains, canyons, grasslands, alpine lakes, forests and national customs as one of the landscape, multi-purpose travel relics.

There are lots of snow-mountains in the scenic area, and more than 470 mountains with altitude higher than 4000m only in Zhongdian county. The famous gorges include Tiger-jump gorge of Jingsha River and gorge of Langcang River. In addition, the vast alpine grassland pastures, dotted with luxuriant virgin forests, and alpine lakes. All of these make the magic natural landscape with dangerous but quiet scenery.

Tibet, Lisu, Han, Naxi, Yi, Bai, Hui total of 13 kinds of people resident at there. Under the harmony life, every ethnic keep their special characteristics in the way of life, clothing, residential construction and wedding customs and other traditional customs.

“Shangri-la” is an eternal peace and tranquility land described in the novel of Lost Horizon which was wrote by James Hiltion in 1933. And Diqing occupies all the details describe in James novel. More coincidental is that”Shangri-la” is the Tibetan meaning “Sun and moon of heart”, which is the ideal living place and high level compass. Diqing plateau is the Shangri-la looking for half century.


Huanglong Park of Jiuzhaigou


Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Park is located in northern Sichuan's Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, and is a neighbor of Jiuzhaigou. It was named after the ancient Huanglong Temple.

The Huanglong Temple is situated on the top of the scenic area. South of the temple is Xuebaoding, the main peak of the snow-capped Minshan Mountain which stands 5,588 meters above sea level. It is covered in snow all year round.

The most remarkable vista is the Huanglong Valley, which is noted for its unique open limestone landscape. The main attraction of the valley is the 3.6-kilometer long and 30 to 70-meter-wide pale yellow calcareous deposits. At the end of the valley, water from melting snow mixes with limestone water from underground, which flows down the mountain terraces and deposits the calcium carbonate from the water on the rocks and fallen branches in its path. The calcium carbonate develops into solid, low limestone banks and as a result of chemical reactions, different kinds of calcareous deposits look like gold flashing in the sunlight. When the water runs down the slopes, it appears like a yellow dragon flying down the mountain. The water then flows into two separate streams, creating colorful lakes and waterfalls and forming a lake group. The water is crystal clear and the mineral deposits at the lake's bottom look like jade.

Chuan Cuisine

As one of the eight cuisines in china, Chuan cuisine takes the important position in cooking history. Its feature in colorful raw material, varied seasoning, numerous style, combined light and mellow in taste, also well known as spicy. Factions of Chuan Cuisine

1. Rong faction

Representation: Chengdu and Leshan dishes

Features: snack, democracy, light and rich in traditional dish

Famous dishes: Mapo Tofu, Twice Cooked Pork, Spicy diced chicken with peanuts, Steamed pork with rice, Sliced beef and ox tongue in chilli sauce, fried shredded pork with sweet and sour sauce

2. Yu faction

Representation: Chongqing and Dazhou dishes

Feature: home-style cooking, spicy, innovate

Famous dishes: Boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili, Duck blood cake, Steamed chicken with chili sauce, Boiled pork slices in a spicy soup base with some greens, Peppery chicken, Fried Shrimps in hot spicy sauce

3. Salt faction

Representation: Zigong and Neijiang dishes

Feature: majestic, strange, high-level
Looking for the online cuisine resources, we suggest the comprehensive guide at http://www.topchinatrip.com/.


Su Embroidery

With a history of more than 3,000 years, Su embroidery is the general name for embroidery products in areas around Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. The craft, which dates back to the Three Kingdoms Period (220-280), became a sideline of people in the Suzhou area during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Well known for its smoothness and delicateness, Su embroidery won Suzhou the title City of Embroidery in the Qing Dynasty.

In the mid and late Qing, Su embroidery experienced further developments involving works of double-sided embroidering. There were 65 embroidery stores in Suzhou City. During the Republic of China period (1912-1949), the Su embroidery industry was in decline due to frequent wars and it was restored and regenerated after the founding of new China. In 1950, the central government set up research centers for Su embroidery and launched training courses for the study of embroidery. Weaving methods have climbed from 18 to the present 40.

Su embroidery features a strong, folk flavor and its weaving techniques are characterized by the following: the product surface must be flat, the rim must be neat, the needle must be thin, the lines must be dense, the color must be harmonious and bright and the picture must be even. Su embroidery products fall into three major categories: costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use, which integrate decorative and practical values. Double-sided embroidery is an excellent representative of Su embroidery.

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Suzhou Garden

Suzhou is the famous historical and cultural city with the reputation that paradise of world, capital of garden. It's said that South-river garden is best in country, while Suzhou garden is better than it.The history of Suzhou Garden can trace back to the Spring & Autumn Dynasty, the first recorded in Dongjin Dynasty, in the Ming and Qing dynasty, private gardens full of the Suzhou city. Suzhou garden paid attention to assemble the hill, stone, water, bridge, plant and corridor. The most characteristics of this kind of architecture are building base on natural landscape, integrate the function of sightsee, play and inhabit, infuse the Chinese paint into garden, pursue the excellent combine of nature and culture.

The Canglang Pavilion of Song (960-1276), Lion Grove Garden of Yuan (1271-1368), Humble Administrator's Garden of Ming(1368-1644) and Lingering Garden of Qing (1644-1911) are called the “four grand gardens” and already been listed into the World's Heritage.

Yunnan Bridge Rice Noodle

The bridge rice noodle is composed by soup, chips and rice noodle three parts. The eating method as below:

1. Take a ground lamb of hot soup, which is so hot that couldn't drink it to avoid being scalded.

2. Firstly put into the egg, and then put into the raw fish, meat, chicken, liver, lamb kidney, squid, sea cucumber, diarrhea and other raw meat pieces, after that, stir it with chopsticks to boiled the meat.

3. Put into the roast pork and pea, leeks, spinach, tofu and rice noodles.

4. Add soy sauce, spiced oil and start to eat.

The taste of rice noodles is delicious and rich in nutrient, which get the good reputation.

The history of bridge rice noodles has more than 100 years and its original from a lovely story.

It firstly appeared in the Mengzi county of Diannan. It's said that there is island in the south lake, where is the ideal place for reading and studying as the beautiful scenery and quiet environment. There was a scholar studying at the island often, however, he always forgot to eat the food made by his wife as pay all attention on his book. Due to lack of nutrient, the scholar was getting thinner, which worried his wife.

On one occasion, the wife cooked a hen and put it into a ground lamb. After take to husband she find it still warm although been a long time. She put some rice noodles and other flavoring together, and the scholar was very like to eat it. In the later, the wife used the same method to prepare the lunch for husband frequently. Afterwards, the scholar train a course and owe to rice noodles by his wife. As the wife needed to pass through a bridge, so the scholar called this food “Bridge Rice Noodles”.

More and more people copy this making method and the bridge rice noodles populared in the country.
If you are interesting in Bridge Rice Noodle and plan to Yunnan for a trip, we suggest the comprehensive guide at www.topchinatrip.com. :-)


Yunnan Province

Yunnan Province, abbreviation Yuan or Dian, locates in the southwest border of China. The capital city is Kunming. In warring states period, here is the haunt for tribal groups. Yunnan refers the “south of rainbow” and other version is refer to “south of Yun mountain”. The total area is about 390 thousand square kilometers, taking up 4.11% of national areas. Meanwhile, it's the province with most minority ethnics where inhabited 52 ethnics. Lijiang ancient town is the largest, most historical and ethnical town in Yunnan.

Yunnan is adjacent to Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Tibet province and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam three countries. It was consider as the kingdom of animal, plants and Non-ferrous metals. Among the 162 minerals of China, there 148 kinds can be found in Yuannan, copper, tin and other non-ferrous mineral production highest in the country. Also it almost assembles the plant kinds from tropical, subtropical to temperate. In this magic land, exis 3 world's heritage: Lijiang Ancient Town, Three Parallel Rivers, Shilin and 12 scenic areas. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Taoism, Catholicism, Dongba religion and local deity worship coexist and developed at there.

Dalian Speciality

After having the primary knowing to Dalian, let me introduce the Dalian speciality to comfort your stomach.

Sea Eight Treasures

1. Sea Cucumber: a kind of precious seafood, produced in North has the best quality. The cucumber of Changhai County was listed in the first place of “Sea Eight Treasures”.

2. Abalone: a kind of seashells with tasted delicate and nutrient-rich, it was called the soft gold in the sea.

3. Scallop: named as their shape like fan. The cooked scallop can directly to eat or dipping with sauce.

4. Shrimp: Dalian are the main producing area for shrimp, the shrimp in Spring is best.

5. Shell sub: also called clams. In Dalian, there are about dozens of species, and can be cooked in boiled, salad, stir-fried, and making the pie.

6. Red Sea: also called mussels. As delicious and nutrient-rich, it's the important seafood for local persons.

7. Han Zi: also called Mao Han Zi. Its meat are tender and delicate.

8. Oyster: suitable for cooked and fresh to eat.


Apples was cultivated from 1902 in Dalian, by now, the productions are the first one in the country. So it got the name of “apple town” and more than 120 varieties.


Dalian is largest peach producing area in China, posses a wide range of varieties including flat peach, nectarine, gold peach and juicy peach etc.


There five species cherry in Dalian as Chinese Cherry originally produced in coastal of the Yangtze River; mountain cherry, European sour cherry, European sweet cherry and Dalian cherry under hybrid bred.


Dalian City

Dalian is a particularly important and developed area of industry within the People's Republic of China and stands on the north-eastern side of China, to the north of the Great Wall. Located close to the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian stands alongside the Yellow Sea and has become a wealthy and prosperous city.

It offers an instantly recognisable holiday atmosphere and is well developed with tourists in mind, containing many modern shopping malls, stylish high-rise buildings, large expanses of parkland and several surrounding sandy beaches, on the southern side of the city.To its credit, Dalian has made its presence felt on the map of world tourism. At present, Dalian is considered to be one of the best tourist destinations in China. The United Nations has recognized Dalian as one of the world's Top 500 Cities of Excellent Environment.

The city is decorated with beautiful lawns, stunning fountains and attractive squares. Dalian is home to green landscape that is spread over 13 million square meters, the largest in North China. This explains why Dalian is also referred to as a Garden City. At this exotic location, there are famous beaches are Tiger beach, Fujiazhuang beach, Jinshitan beach, Xinghai beach, Jinshitan beach, the Golden Pebble Beach and others. Lush golf courses, forests, amusement parks and activities like cross country motorcycling and swimming make Dalian a popular tourist attraction. I really can't find the excuse to refuse this charming city.

Looking for the online resources to plan your trip to Dalian, we suggest the comprehensive guide at http://www.topchinatrip.com/.

Chengdu City

Chengdu, located in southwest of China, is the capital of Sichuan province and a sub-provincial city. Chengdu is also one of the most important economic centers, transportation and communication hubs in Southwestern China. According to Public Appraisal for Best Chinese Cities for investment, Chengdu was chosen as one of the top ten cities to invest in.Located on the fertile Chengdu Plain, Chengdu is called Tianfuzhiguo in Chinese, which literally means ''the country of heaven'', or more often seen translated as ''the Land of Abundance''. The history of Chengdu can trace back to Shu Dynasty (early 4th century BC). The famous poet Li Bai and Du Fu spent some part of their lives in there. Grand Panda and the only one Wolong research center is also home at this city. Now, the Chengdu is famous nationally for its spicy food. Local specialties include Mapo Tofu, Chengdu Hot pot, and Dan Dan Noodles etc. Lots of persons are crazy for its carefree lifestyle, tea houses are the best evidence. The inhabitants have a reputation in China for having a laid-back attitude and for knowing how to enjoy life.

Any inquiry about Chengdu, you can visit the http://www.topchinatrip.com/.


The Beauty of Chengdu

The main target of many tourists come to Chengdu is to enjoying a feast to your eyes. The contents include:1.visting the famous tourist spot around Chengdu, such as Mt. Emei and Jiuzhaigou; 2. tasting local snack, such as Sliced Beef and Ox Tongue in Chili Sauce, Mapo Tofu and Sichuan Flavor Noodle; 3. sightsee beauty ladies, it’s said that seeing beauty ladies is help for extend life, the reason is same with listening to light music is good for healthy. Firstly, the beauty of Chengdu ladies represent at their skin. They have the fine cheek and smooth skin, also being good at make up and show themselves, which make them looked so beautiful and confident. The next light point is their slim figure. Most of the ladies are slim in the shape and beautiful in cheek, meanwhile posses a kind of hard temperature.In the most prosperous district, you will find that so many beauties need your eyes to observe. The different between Chengdu lady and other ladies is they posses a special temperature—tender but hard, proud but gushing. Everyone wants to enjoy the beautiful things, it will the best choice to have a wonderful journey in Chengdu.

Beijing Roast Duck

Beijing Roast Duck is the unique dish, renowned in China and World. It has a long history and existed the “Sunburn duck” as early as 1500 years ago. In the year of Tianli in Yuan Dynasty, the imperial medical Husihui describe the “burn duck” in the book, which is the today's Beijing roast duck. At that time the method of roast duck was called fork duck. Today the material of Beijing roast duck is the duck breed in Beijing suburb. Before roast, clean the duck and remove the internal organs. Press into the air between the skin and flesh, painted maltose syrup on the duck body and dried. So that the whole duck in dark red as if on a layer of red paint, which some foreigners would humorously say that “paint duck”. The baking method is poured into boiled water before baking, release the water until the duck cooked. Using the date, peach, pear and other wood as fuel, each duck will take 40 minutes to baking. The method of eat roast duck: put a pancake on your hand, nip a few pieces of clip duck with sweetened soybean paste, onions, then rolled up to eat pancake. In addition, the duck bone can do the soup with tasted delicious.
If you are looking for online resource to plan your trip to China, please visit the comprehensive guide at www.topchinatrip.com.


Crystalline Candied Haw

Crystalline candied haw is the traditional Chinese cuisine, it is the string of Hawthorn clusters with thin bamboo sticks, then dipping the melted maltose sauce, finally cooling to shape. The crystalline candied haw taste sweet and sour and suitable for all persons no matter children or older. It's not only delicious, but also has the goo-looking that red hawthorns are wear in the thin bamboo sticks and wrapped the crystal juice. The sellers insert them in a special wooden stick, which like a knot of trees full of fruit.
Crystalline candied haw has a long history which can trace back to eight hundreds years ago, south Song dynasty.It's said that the imperial concubine of emperor Zhaoting had a sick with pale and thin and don't willing eating. Court physician used lots of valuable drugs but without effect. For curing the sick, emperor had to seek medical advice by posting. One of empiric taken the task and gave the advices that as long as boiled the hawthorn and rock sugar, eating 5-10 before each meal, the disease would be cured after a half month. The concubine followed the advice and recovered really. Later, this method spread to civil society, people string it to sell and become the crystalline candied haw.

If you are interesting in Chinese cuisine and want to have a try, please visit the http://www.topchinatrip.com/ for more information and wish have a good time in China.


Shopping in Shanghai

For tourists, Shanghai is a world-famous “commercial city”, with the stores next to stores and eyeful of goods to meet the needs of different levels at home abroad. As the country's commercial center, its goods are well known for good brand, high-quality, various kinds and entire model.

Nanjing Road

Nanjing Road, the first business street of China, is length of 5.5kms from north to south, with the entrance at bund of Huangpu River, exits at Jing'an Temple. Nanjing Road is the earliest commercial street after Shanghai opening the port. Comply with the growing up of five global department stores “Yongan”, ”Xianshi”, “Xinxin”, “Daxin” and “Chinese Products”, it becomes the most bustling comprehensive commercial street in Shanghai.

Huaihai Road

Huaihai road is called the France Champs, also as the shopping paradise be equal to Nanjing Road.Huaihai road, total length of about 6 km, was divided into eastern, central and western three sections. The most prosperous section is about 2.2 km length from Shangxi road to Tibet road. Huaihai road used to be the French concession, on both sides of wide, straight streets, planting the London plane trees, in an extreme European style. It has more then 400 shops, mainly selling middle and high range products and attracting more than 1 million persons per day. In addition, it's an elegant and cultural street, the famous Sun Yat-sen's former residence, Soong Ching Ling's former residence and Zhou Residence are located on this street or adjacent to it.

Yuyuan Commercial City

Yuyuan commercial city is located at the Chenghuang temple market which is at the south of Yuyuan Garden. Form the year of 1991, the original Chenghuang temple market was converted into a modern large-scale tourism and shopping center – Yuyuan commercial city. The road in the commercial city is narrow and most of building built in before 1911, in an ancient Chinese architectural style. The small shops distributed in the mall, merchandise dazzling and bustling with customers, which maintains the outlook of China's ancient cities and towns. It totally has more than 50 stores with professional characteristics and sell over 1200 kinds of commodities in commercial city, certainly the “Commodity Kingdom”. The street of small commodity collects the traditional characteristics shop, fully reflects the operating feature of “small, local, unique, famous and superior”. No matter Chinese or foreigners tourists come to shanghai will have a visiting at Yuyuan Commercial City.

Dongtai Road Antique Street

Dongtai Road Antique Street, located in the interchange of Liuhe road and Dongtai road, is a specialty street engaged in old crafts with high reputation at home and abroad, also known as the “azure stone factory” of Shanghai. The antique market main locates in the section from Chongde road to Fuxing road. At present, the market has more than 100 shops and most of shops are small in shape. However, the decoration of each shop is unique and in their own style. The major commodities are old crafts, including porcelain, jade, bronze, wood, calligraphy and painting, four treasures of study and other miscellaneous pieces. Besides, there are cages, clothing, coins, month card in thirty century, fans, lighters, three inch golden lotus and so on.

New Shanghai Commercial City

New Shanghai Commercial City, with a total construction area of 3.8 million square meters, is the comprehensive business center integrated shopping, dining, tourism, entertainment, leisure and other functions. It's located in the middle of Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone of Pudong, east to Laoshan East road, south to Zhangyang road, west to Pudong South road and north to Shangcheng road. The center part is green square, outside is 600 meters walking street with surrounded by 16 different styles of high buildings. The size, facilities and functions of the commercial city should be the first in Asia, and occupies the same leading position with Nanjing road and the Bund. It's total have 18 commercial buildings in New Shanghai Commercial City, include No,1 Yaohan, Sanxin commercial world, Huacheng commercial, Fuxing building and so on. Now it has formed the four major trades in business, catering, entertainment and finance; four major markets of operating contents in general merchandise, computers, home appliances and building materials; 15 catering industries composed the food heaven. The daily average volume of commuters reach 100 thousand and 200 thousand in weekend, with annual sales revenue reach 2 billion yuan take up 10% of total retail sales of Pudong district.
Looking for online resources to plan your trip to China, we suggest the comprehensive guide at www.topchinatrip.com.

The city of Shanghai

Shanghai is the largest city in China with over 20 million populations, and one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. Correspondingly, it has an extensive public transport system, largely based on buses, trolleybuses, taxis, and a rapidly expanding metro system. The first commercial Maglev railway in the world is the light spot of Shanghai's transportation.Situated on the banks of the Yangtze River Delta, Shanghai has become the world's biggest and busiest cargo port. The Huangpu River divides the city into two parts- Pudong New District and Puxi District.Shanghai is well-known as the center of finance and trade center with hosts the largest share market in mainland China. And this city has a rich collection of buildings and structures of various architectural styles. Despite modern is the symbol of Shanghai, the traditional old city also coexists well at there. The Bund, combines various style architecture, is the best prove. Yuyuan Garden, a traditional garden in the Jiangnan style and Longtang is the must-see for tourists. For cuisine of Shanghai, is called Hu or Benbang cuisine, character sweet and light in taste. In reason of near the sea and Yangtze River, fresh seafood and freshwater fish are their preference. The crab of Yangchenghu is the delicious food which you never missed.


Fried Bean Sauce Noodle

Fried bean sauce noodles of old Beiing have the reputation that never tired even eat hundreds. The common eating method of local person is: firstly, order kinds of cold dishes as beans, mustard beans, pig's trotters and sauce; then order two plain-frying seasonal vegetables; finally, order a bowel of noodles. The hot noodles are the best, accompanied by small bowl of meat sauce, fat diced meat, muscle diced meat, frying soy green onion, and eight kinds of vegetables in different color, it's quite delicious. The authentic making method is complicated: firstly, stir-fried fat diced meat, muscle diced meat and put the bean sauce boil; then, put into the water when boiled to avoid the paste, the diced meat need to boiled for a long time; finally, plus the diced green onion when the color of sauce become black.The noodle should be man-made noodle which has the good taste, and match the fresh garlic to spice and sterilization. Matched vegetables will supply eight kinds with different color according to the different season, such as celery, cucumber silk, cabbage, bean sprouts, green beans as well as fresh radish. At last, drink a bowl of soup after eating the noodles.

Beijing-The Capital of China

Beijing is the capital of the China and a metropolis in northern China. As the cultural and political center of China, this ancient city has remained a series of historic architecture and relic, a history stretching back over 5000 years which make it becomes one of the ''Four Great Ancient Capitals of China''.Beijing is the second largest city after Shanghai, with more than 17 million people in this city. Meanwhile, this city is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the destination and transfer-station of many international flights arriving in China. On the cultural side, Beijing opera and Hutong is well-known throughout the nation. Mandarin cuisine is the local style of cooking in Beijing. Among of them, the Peking Roast Duck is perhaps the most well-known dish. And the Manhan Quanxi is a traditional high-level banquet intended for the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty. Refer to travel destination, Beijing have the great attraction to everyone with the countless spots such as: Forbidden City, Tian'anmen Square, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall, Summer Palace, Beihai, etc. After holding the 29th Olympic Games, Beijing already becomes the hottest place to tourist.

Looking for online resources to plan your trip to China, we suggest the comprehensive guide at http://www.topchinatrip.coom/.


The Old Town of Dali

The impression to Dali is fall in love at the first sight. The old town of Dali was first built in 1383, after the six hundred years, the town is still preserved the ancient houses and customs. Clean streets and fresh air make the city in the sense of serene and amiable. Even if the moving grass in the street will make you feel friendly and welcoming, where is really a good place to live. Near the hotel we live in, there is a street called guardian road. As many foreigners living in the street, also was dubbed the “foreign street”. In the street, there are several good bars, in one of them we have spend a night. In the small rooms, the decoration is log tables and chairs, pieces of batik painting on the wall and the blooming flowers in the corner. The soft folk music filled the entire bar, it’s like the ancient city's style, neat and clean, comfortable and elegant. In the bar, it's not allow loud noisy, but you can enjoy the unique singing quietly, which is the love songs for girl and young men of Bai ethnic. Also, drink the pure beer, chew a few pieces of snack or chat with friends freely. Tour in Dali, it have to say that the local households. The ancient customs of “wind blows into the door sweeping the ground, pebbles piled wall will not fold, affixed the eye with tea is good to eye” still passed down through the many years.Sentimental and gentle girls are the other scenery of the old town. Sweet smile and slightly greeting with shy “Ni Qiu” (Bai ethnic language: hello), it will make you intoxicated. Kind face should be the reason that people feel close to Dali. The memory at there is so beautiful, Dali old town, a city like hometown.
Looking for online resources to plan your trip to China, we suggest the comprehensive guide at http://www.topchinatrip.com/.

Dali City

Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture has the long history and splendid national culture, also called the “Literature State”. In the dynasty of Tang, Song, South Zhao and Dali, the city of Dali was the capital. The city is renowned by the natural mountain, beautiful scenery, comfortable climate and honest person. As one of the famous historical cities in the 24 lists of state council and one of the scenic places in 44 state-level places, Cang Mountain and Er lake are the state-level nature protection district. These three reputations make Dali well-known in the world. Dali, located in the join part of Yungui plateau and Hengduan grey mountains, the terrain high in northwest and low in southeast. The landform is complex and diverse, west of Cang Mountain is the high canyon district. The four main rivers include Jinsha river, Lancang river, Nu river and Hong river, as well as distributed the eight lakes: Er lake, Tianchi, Cibi lake, West lake, East lake, Jian lake, Haixi lake and Qinghai lake. Among them, Er lake is the second largest fresh-water lake in Yunnan province, and it's the state level scenic place with the name of “Pearl of Plateau”. Travelling in Dali, the common attractions are: Er lake cruise, three pagoda, butterfly spring and Dali old town.
For looking for the travel resources and plan your tirp to China, please visit http://www.topchinatrip.com/.