
Xiang Cuisine (Hunan Cuisine)

Xiao Xiang flavor cuisine, represented in Hunan dishes and abbreviated Xiang cuisine, is one of the eight cuisines (Yangzhou, Jiangsu cuisine, Hunann, Sichuan, Fujian, Guangdong, Anhui and Shandong cuisine)in China.

Hunan cuisine is the local flavor dishes with long history, being good at sour incense and exotic animals. As early as the Han dynasty, it already has the high level in cooking and forming the cuisine. As located in the south region of china, Hunan is favorable natural conditions with warm climate and abundant rainfall. West of Hunan is rich in bamboo shoots, mushrooms and delicacies from land game; southeast of Hunan is basins and hill, with developed animal husbandry and fishery; north of Hunan is the famous basin of Dongting lake, also called “land of plenty”. Generally speaking, Hunan diet customs have the following characteristics:

1. In Hunan, eating has the rich social significance. In one hand, eating is an essential component in major event. In marriage, eating called “eat wedding feast”; in funeral, called “eat meat”; in birth celebration, called “eat full moon”; in birthday, it must eat poached and birthday noodles. In the other hand, eat is also the important means of social networking.

2. In Hunan, consider of the condition of geographical, climate and others, most of regions grow rice and rice is the main food. During all the year, the diet around the spring festival is given the much attention.

3. Regardless of gender and age, all the persons are addicted to spicy. No matter in the daily meals, or restaurant banquet or drinking among 3-4 friends, the chili dishes are the must. 4. Hunan people love to eat bitter food.

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